
- All sleeves meet Type 1 & Type 2 requirements of ACI 318.
- ICC-ES ESR-3433
- All sleeves can connect rebars of the same size or up to 2 sizes smaller than the sleeve size.
(Minimum embedment length must follow sleeve size) - Can be epoxy or galvanized coating.
- Set Screw option to lock rebar in place at the time of plant operation.
A11W (for Precast Application)

A11W is specifically designed for improved usability.
- More tolerance
- Inch PVC pipe ports
- Screw in type plug
- All sleeves meet Type 1 & Type 2 requirements of ACI 318.
- ICC-ES ESR-3433
- All sleeves can connect rebars of the same size or up to 2 sizes smaller than the sleeve size.
(Minimum embedment length must follow sleeve size) - Can be epoxy or galvanized coating.
- Set Screw option to lock rebar in place at the time of plant operation.
SLIM-SLEEVE (for Cast-in-Place Application)

SLIM-SLEEVE is designed for cast-in-place construction, horizontal and vertical connections.
- Supplied with Set Screws and Slim Plugs. Rebar stop option for vertical application.
- Ample tolerance for cast-in-place bar connection, or closure-pour between precast members.
- All sleeves meet Type 1 & Type 2 requirements of ACI318.
- ICC-ES ESR-3141
- All sleeves can connect rebars of the same size or up to 2 sizes smaller than the sleeve size.
(Minimum bar embedment length must follow the sleeve size) - Can be epoxy or galvanized coating.
SS Mortar

SS Mortar (Splice Sleeve Grout) is a Non-Shrink, Non-Metallic, High Strength grout Specifically designed for the system.

Concrete Crack Reduction Device
- Crack Reduction
- Easy Placement
- Economical
- Precast & Cast-in-Place